I'm an artist at life.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Everyone just cool your jets.

Hello, everyone, I'm a quitter.  I've never lasted more than 3 weeks during Lent; I just gave 2 weeks notice at Jimmy John's then quit after a week anyway; and I gave in after 4 days of a separation that was supposed to last a week.  Not to mention my abandoned tap shoes, riding crop, and xylophone. Throughout my life I've been made to feel bad about similar failures.  Not necessarily directly, but comments like "Oh well I just don't like giving up on things I start" or "Oh well I guess only you can make that decision".  Fuck you.  Yes I can make that decision, and I am completely okay with all of the above shortcomings.  Why would I stick continue something that I don't enjoy and is completely unfulfilling?  I mean I'm sorry, but apparently I missed the memo on How to Extract Life Lessons from Situations that Make Your Life Suck. 

I'm not entirely selfish, nor lazy.  In fact I firmly believe that doing one thing each day that you don't want to do builds character.  I really hate riding my bike to the bank sometimes.  I really hate making business calls.  I really hate going to the gym.  But those things are temporary, and I get through them.  Life itself shouldn't be that thing that you're constantly not wanting to do.  Or other particularly prevalent aspects of life itself, like your job and friends.

I really don't care if other people are uncomfortable "quitting" - stick with it if that's what you want.  Just don't try to convince me that your labors are noble.  As long as I don't let others down, I'm perfectly happy exercising my strengths and weaknesses.

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