I'm an artist at life.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Being a Post-grad

In the past 3 days, I've applied to 5 jobs, called the Loyola Financial Aid office twice, picked out and bought paint samples, budgeted, planned, scheduled, and worried myself crazy.  Is this called being an adult?  It's funny, I thought May Term was gonna be a wonderful time to relax and do nothing, when really it's just time to catch up on everything that school prevented me from doing before.  To be fair, I still get to go back to Bloomington for two weeks of leisure time...but then I have to get all my stuff back home but not moved in so I can paint my room, plan a garage sale, and a graduation party.  You know, I actually don't think this is adulthood...I think it's transitionhood.

1 comment:

  1. Adulthood involves paying a lot of bills, according to my mom.
