I'm an artist at life.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Impulsivity strikes again

I look like a lesbian again.  Or a rich suburban mom.  Or Kate Gosselin.  The first time I looked like a lesbian being when I got a faux-hawk 2 years ago.  Here's the story.  I went to get the usual trim today, and chose Noonan's Hair'Em, where I've generally had good experiences.  I was privileged to see Dan Noonan himself, who in his mid-40s has the hair of a 20-something gay man - that is, spiked, gelled, highlighted, and all-around hip.  However, having a wife and children I assume he is not gay.  At first glance I would have thought he was just some old guy who hasn't let go of his youth...but that seems too harsh a judgment considering how extremely friendly and knowledgeable about hair he was.  He recognized immediately that he would need to repair some of the damage done by the Paul Mitchell student during my last trim, and I told him that no one's ever really gotten the angle that I want right, but at this point I'm just trying to grow it out.  He went on to tell me about the many dramatic angles that he's done, as extreme as from the crown of the head in back to below the shoulder in front.  Long story short, after discussing my history of impulsive haircuts and preference for exciting looks, I decided to go quite short in back.  I would not have done this if I did not completely trust his expertise.

So, onward.  I'm not sure if I misunderstood or just didn't realize that it would be quite so short in back, but it is.  Basically my hair is...about 3/4 of an inch long in the back, and the usual shoulder length in the front.  From the from it actually looks great, from the back I indeed look like a lesbian.  I'm not sure if it's a cute lesbian though.  I don't know, overall I'm a little nervous, but I think it will grow out nicely.  Dan did assure me that it looks "sexy" and "sharp" and that my boyfriend would "poop himself".  After letting the mild creepiness of these comments slide, I said "I hope not".

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