I'm an artist at life.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Items in my proverbial "bucket"

AKA, my "Bucket List".  I don't like that term, because it's only become widely used after the movie, which I have no interest in seeing.  What did they call these before the movie?  Wasn't it just "A List of Things to Do Before I Die"?  I'm fine with that.

1. Go to a pro baseball game.  Mostly for the nostalgia.
2. Host a Thanksgiving dinner.  The epitome of homemaking, a skill that by all accounts I should not want to have.  But I do.
3. Adopt a child.  I could spend hours on this.  Rather than conceiving one extra human to use up the world's resources, I can provide for one that already exists.  People often think this lacks warmth, like adopting a child is all about sustainability and efficiency.  Not so.  Think about it.  How many children out there are homeless, starving, or sick?  Or less extreme, are just living in a children's home with no family?  Most people say "Eh, that's sad, but I want a little ball of joy that looks just like me and is a manifestation of my love for my partner".  I could not possibly ignore so many children in need simply because they're not mine.
4. Hike the Appalachian Trail.  From Georgia to Maine, it takes about 6 months.  I'm not sure why from the moment I heard about this I've been set on it.  Maybe it's a sense of accomplishment.
5. Bike 50+ miles in one trip.  Again, a sense of accomplishment maybe?  Just a goal to strive for in something I enjoy.
6. Travel to...everywhere.  My top choices (in no particular order) currently are Norway, Germany, Jerusalem, and Morocco.  I think most other countries are more appealing than America.  They're more interesting and colorful, and less ignorant, and I really just like living in other cultures.
                                          ^Norway (the homeland)
7. Decorate a home...preferably mine.  Again, another feat of homemaking.  But also, I think the impression that your home gives people is important.  I don't want mine to be plain and pretty, but classy yet unique.
8. Have a rooftop or windowsill garden.  Yes, it's sustainable, but also cute.
9. Get a tattoo.  Of something meaningful, but I have no idea what.


  1. I like this list, especially numbers 7, 8, and 9. Especially the rooftop garden. That would be baller.

  2. I love 8! It's been sort of my really ideal goal to have a fairly large terrace on top of a penthouse in some trendy city where I will raise alpacas. This also involves being rich.
