I'm an artist at life.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Extreme Time-Management

If anyone already read my previous declaration that I will train for a half-marathon in 18 weeks, know that it took about 2 hours to actually do research and change my mind.

Tellingly, that post began with "Welcome to my forum for making noble life goals that I ultimately will not keep".

Really it's not for lack of motivation, but lack of reality. I run, but not that well, and I fear such an intense training program would kill me. Instead I'll train for a 10k or mini-marathon or something and that's that, fine with me.

But the point remains - I need discipline. I value having at least one day per week to do absolutely nothing, and even on those days which are most convenient to go to the gym, I don't. I guess that's not so abnormal. But anyway, I just need to get in the habit. Four days per week isn't so bad, and once it gets nicer out I won't always have to wait in the cold for a bus to the gym (which is often the most discouraging part).

Fear not, I'm confident I'll get there one day.

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