I'm an artist at life.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Mayan's were lyin', nobody's dyin'.

Thanks for those words of wisdom, Justin Biebs.

I want to write a New Year's post, perhaps to formally acknowledge the season, but I'm not sure what to write. I feel like I had a bunch of good ideas late in December, but I've either forgotten them or realized they weren't so great.

So what am I doing here...

Well, I think I'll just say that I believe this year will be wonderful and exciting. I've already started out with a trip to Miami Beach. Currently I'm on day 3 of a post-holiday cleanse that requires me to eat nothing but fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, and plant oils. I probably gorged too much on trail mix yesterday, but technically that's not cheating and I'm proud to have come this far. Other things I look forward to:
  • My sister Michelle is having a baby :) another girl according to the sonograms, to be named Abigail. I love babies.
  • I will finish grad school! It's an odd thought, being done with school forever, since that's all I've ever done. I'm fairly confident that I'll be able to find a job, but I'm nervous that I won't find one I really love. The biggest plus to all this: income. (Which of course comes with more bills...meh). 
  • I'm determined to become a better runner. I've been stuck at 3 miles for over a year, but I'm hoping to do the Soldier Field 10-mile in May. Injuries and laziness beware, I will overcome you.
  • I really really really hope to have some time off after graduation to visit my dearest friend Linda in Boston! This year will be a year for traveling.
  • Thomas has some big work ideas. Before the holidays he had his first appointment as an official stylist! Let me know if you need one...
  • My other sister Anna plans to get her own apartment (fingers crossed...you can do it Anna!)
  • My mama will get a part-time job after leaving her career last year. Hopefully one she loves!
  • Drew and Maria are getting married! I love weddings about as much as I love babies.
I just have a good feeling about 2012. I love to see things working out for everyone. Keep on the up-and-up, folks.

1 comment:

  1. Yaaay! Visit me! I hear August is a lovely month in Boston...
