I'm an artist at life.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Guess what I have to do today. NOTHING.

For the first time in a very long time, I literally have nothing scheduled. I do plan to go to the gym and chiropractor, but I can do that more or less whenever I want. I slept in until 8 am. 8 AM. That's nine hours of sleep (I went to bed at 11, which is 30-60 minutes later than usual, because I didn't have to worry about waking up early)! I read the newspaper this morning whilst drinking my coffee, haven't showered, and am still in my PJs. Why you ask? Because I no longer have classes to attend for the next four months. I never have to go back to Loyola again. I'm thrilled.

Yet here it is, almost 10 am, and guess what - I have a paper due Friday. I also must contact four internship referrals, one of whom requires writing samples and a cover letter. So the question is: Do I get started, or do I allow myself a day off and do it Wednesday? If I wait til Wednesday, at least for the paper, I'll inevitably end up grumpily scrambling to add the shoddy final touches Thursday night when I get home from my internship (which I still must attend Tuesday and Thursday this week). Yet I really, really can't drum up the motivation to get started now. Even if I try to picture it in my head, I literally can't imagine sitting down to work at my laptop all day.

But if I don't at least do something productive, I'll feel guilty and not truly able to enjoy the relaxation. So maybe I'll go back and finish the newspaper, get dressed so I feel more like a real person, tinker around with some things on my to-do list, and then possibly feel more ready to take on Community Interventions and uber-intimidating professionals who have no patience for the less-than-outstanding. After lunch.

Update as of 1pm: that is EXACTLY what I did. However now I'm writing that cover letter and won't have much time to write the paper before chiro and the gym. Have I ever mentioned how much I HATE cover letters? They're so formal. Why can't I just be like: "For real, I have crazy Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder and everything I do is organized, detailed, and professional. Those other suckers you're interviewing suck at writing - seriously, I've edited their stuff. And they say dumb things in class. So if you want someone competent with no patience for the indecisive and illogical, it would be in your best interest to hire me. And then give me a job when I graduate".

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