I'm an artist at life.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

One hundred thingz.

Have you ever heard of the 100-things challenge? The idea is to whittle your possessions down until you only won 100 things (food not included, I'm assuming). I've often been tempted to try this because...

I don't like clutter.
I feel selfish for having unnecessary things.
I would spend less money.
I would stress out less about all the things that I "need" to get.
The things I would have would be nicer.
isn't living simply supposed to be, like, relieving?

But obviously, I've not done it. Those reasons are much less clear. Perhaps...

I'm scared I would get rid of something I needed.
I'm too attached to useless sentimental objects.
I really am just materialist and like having lots of clothes.
I like little knick-knacks that make my home pretty.
it's too difficult to define what counts as a "thing" (one sheet, or the sheet set? my iPod and case, or are they one entity?)
my bookshelf alone is over 100 things. Though I may be willing to part with my CD collection, the bookshelf is nonnegotiable.
if I have guests over I don't want to have to share the one mug I have left.

At least monthly I rummage through my belongings and take a bag or so to the thrift store, but occasionally it backfires. Just last night I was looking for a scarf to wear, and remembered that I had gotten rid of them because I didn't think I'd ever wear them. Did I still go out and have a nice time? Sure. Did I even think about wearing a scarf? Not really. Am I right now thinking to myself "damn that outfit would have been cuter with a scarf"? Yes.

Would anything change if I got rid of more stuff? Probably not. In fact, one of the biggest thoughts holding me back is that I would just go buy everything all over again. And really, is there anything wrong with that? Is it so wrong to own an extensive collection of kitchen tools and craft supplies, as long as I use them? Probably not. So I don't know why I'm so stuck on this. And I don't know why every other sentence in this post is a question. I do know that this has drained some of the writing power that should have gone to the paper I'm concurrently working on.

1 comment:

  1. I've actually had similar ideas, and consoled myself that I didn't have things like TVs, entertainment systems, or TOO many clothes.

    But I like the idea too, and have to admit right from the get-go that I'll never make it unless I were to exclude books AND clothes. Bummer.

    Good luck with your paper!
