I'm an artist at life.

Thursday, September 30, 2010


I've been spending much of my free time on Craigslist and dejectedly wondering what to do with myself. And the strange thing about being unemployed is...I have a lot of free time. Which translates to a lot of wasted time, really. But no more! Too long I've neglected personal betterment with the excuse of having no time. Now that time abounds, I have three goals expressed on colorful notecards taped to the wall in front of my desk, which I will now relate to you.

1. Run 2-3x per week. No gym membership required, and I get to wear cute clothes. I tried this about a month ago, and after a week or so got mad runner's knee. Not knowing what it was, I got all whiny and stopped running. Lo and behold, The Beginning Runner's Handbook tells me it's one of the most common injuries and easily fixed by a knee brace. I always thought people who wore those were just douche bags who wanted to say "Hey, hey look, I'm a runner". So, after I procure one of those bad boys and an ipod armband, off into the sunset I will run.

2. Limit sugar intake to 40g/day. I guess this really doesn't take any time, but eh. Most people are supposed to get around 50g, and for most people this would probably be plenty. But anytime I've tracked my intake, it's been around 70-80g/day. Which is majorly unfair, because even a banana has 12g. Ugh. But I don't want diabetes. For real though, that much sugar is hella bad for you, and it probably accounts for me being tired and cranky a lot.

3. Take photos at least 1 hour per week. I have a bangin' camera that does not get used nearly enough. This really shouldn't be hard at all, but here's why I haven't been doing it: In Bloomington and Crystal Lake, there weren't many places to go. That is not an excuse in Chicago. I just have to do some research and find someplace new to go each week. Second, it's difficult for me to do something fun when neglected homework is nagging at me. But seriously, an hour of photos is better than an hour of Stumbleupon. And also seriously, I have time for both.

Finally, sort-of-not-really along the same lines, I want to start exploring Chicago bars. Which I guess may have to wait til I have a job, but once in a while can't hurt. So if anyone in the city's lookin' for something to do, holla at me.

There ya have it, friends. Next time you see me, I will be an extremely fit and artsy peasant. How hip.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

But I'm great at APA formatting...

There are two parts to this post, both relating to my employment status (un).

First, until about a month ago, I had never been rejected from a job for which I interviewed. Not to say that I'm so outstanding that everyone wanted me. But as a high school/college student in the 'burbs or central Illinois applying to minimum wage jobs, I would say I was fairly competent, qualified, and impressive compared to some of my peers. Then all of a sudden I was a 22-year-old college graduate preparing to move to the big city, thinking "I have barista experience, surely I'll just find a bar or restaurant to hire me where I will make a fortune being server-extraordinaire". Wrong. No restaurant experience, no job. I've hardly even attempted those jobs because I know the outcome. (Sidenote, this is extremely frustrating because I know that I would be a fantastic server and I would love it, but none of these places care that the only person who can attest to this is my mom).

Instead, for the past 2 months I've been scouring Craigslist, sending my resume to unsuspecting employers, and eyeing every storefront I pass in search of the one institution in Chicago who wants a moderately-experienced but well-educated student to work an inflexible schedule of up to fifteen hours per week. I know it's out there. But seriously, I'm losing motivation. It's tiring and depressing, and I don't know how long I can keep doing it. It takes up nearly as much time as actually working, but I'm not getting paid. Yet if I want to eat more than rice, beans, and oatmeal, and if I want to watch HGTV til 1am Saturday night, and if I want to buy this pumpkin ale staring at me while I type at Whole Foods (where I've been scamming internet for a month), the search must continue.

But what's this, a crepe and coffee cafe wants to hire me but they need someone to work 20-25 hours per week? Well. This brings me to the second point, being that I'm kinda lazy. Not in the sit-on-the couch all day sense, in the "oh I can't commit to too much responsibility because I might have to get less than 9 hours of sleep and then I'll just be cranky" sense. Right now I'm taking three classes and one internship. I know people who have an additional class, 7-hour/week work study, and part-time job. How do they do it???? I'd like to be able to see friends once and a while too. Is that asking too much? Regardless, I need to start being responsible and accept that until May 2012 I will be an overworked student and minimum-wage worker. But at least I won't gawk at the $28 price tag on a resale shop dress.