I'm an artist at life.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

In sum...

Dear Blogspot,

Egad, it's been so long, old friend.  I apologize for not having made time for you sooner; this may be the first chance I've gotten to simply sit and catch up on mindless websurfing since being home.  Of course, I instantly thought of you (after reading about the Worst Smoothies in America and checking the status of some shipments).  What has kept me away so long, you ask?  Sit down, my dear, and I shall regale my adventures.

As you may recall, I painted my room recently.  I've been meaning to post pictures, but it still looks like a storage room.  I spent a good deal of time re-mounting shelves and pictures and bric-a-brac, but they've not all made their way home yet.  The garage sale I mentioned was decently successful, yet somehow my bank account inflated only marginally.  I'm still not sure where all that money went.  Post-sale, Thomas kindly helped me drag the leftovers to the Community Thrift Store, pick up a desk via Craigslist, and inhale large quantities of food.  It was a sweaty day to say the least. 

About a week ago I started work as a Graduate Assistant!  The first day I met Dr. Shweta Singh, whose research interests concern women and global policy, she asked my concentration and I told her I'd like to work with adoptions.  Her response: "Did you know that women in India are being paid to have babies for international adoptions?".  That's all I'll day about that.

Because of said job, however, I was in Chicago three times last week, typically up at 7 am and home between 10:30 and midnight.  This was a result of the 2 hour commute each way.  The benefit: I was walking and rushing around so much that I could pretty much eat anything I wanted and not worry about it. 

Get this, Blogspot - I saw Chinese folk perform death-defying feats on Friday night!  That's right, I saw Cirque du Shanghai at Navy Pier.  It's an offshoot of Cirque du Soleil, but I'm fairly certain a little less...something.  A little less professional maybe.  Either way, it stressed me out.  I couldn't handle the suspense, I tell you.  A girl on a man on a man on a ladder???  Three men on motorbikes in a spherical cage?!?  My blood pressure was shot.

Speaking of Chinese folk, Thomas's graduation party was Saturday, during which I politely conversed with the same people I haven't really known for the past 2 years.  Immediately afterward I went home and purchased food for my own party the next day.  Have you ever been to Joseph's Market, Blogspot?  I must say, the quality of their produce is just to die for.  But I digress.

The party went very, very well (although I was sad to hear you couldn't make it).  It was wonderful to see my friends, though it still surprises me that people will drive an hour or so just to sit around at my house. 

Guess what!  Thomas got me a Nikon D3000 for graduation!  And the lens form his mother.  I nearly cried.  I very much plan on turning this in to a serious hobby, but it would have taken me forever to finally but one myself.  I've hardly gotten to use it though, with how busy things have been. I forgot to mention, my lovely mother had ankle surgery and my sister (whom the pharmacist now knows by name) did...something to her back, so I (and my father) have been playing nurse/errand-runner.

Additionally, I started classes on Monday!  Working with Individuals and Families.  First, I would like to say that I'm pretty sure every single student in the Chicago area begins their day with a latte.  Second, I am in the vast minority as someone just out of undergrad.  That was surprising and intimidating.  Third, the class itself was extremely unintimidating.  Very basic and general.  But, I suppose, pleasantly easy. 

That evening, She+Him (headed by Zooey Deschanel) held a free concert in Millenium Park.  Now I was excited just because it sounded like something nice to do.  But when I got there, you would have thought Lady Gaga was naked on stage.  The place was overrun with hipsters.  And old people drinking wine.  And children.  I've never seen so many pairs of TOMSshoes in my life!  I mean honestly, the band isn't even that good.  It ended up being disappointingly unenjoyable.

And that brings us to yesterday.  My first day with no scheduled obligations.  I got through about half of my very large to-do list, but spent much of the time playing with my new laptop!  Purchased as a grad present courtesy of Mommy and Daddy so that I could have something light and portable to take to the city.  I love it.  Today I fiddled with my camera, and got 2 free tickets to Arlington Park when I took my sisters car in for an oil change.  How do you feel about gambling, Blogspot?

So, all in all, I'm starting to understand why most people value free time so much.  But, you know, I like feeling productive.  I'm rarely bored, at the least.  Now that I'm sitting here though, I'm not sure what to do with myself.  Hence this extensive letter.  I guess all you really need to know is that things are going well and I'm a very lucky gal. 

Well, I'm off to take a gander at the newly released Lollapalooza schedule and 'Alejandro' music video.  If you're ever at a loss for something to do at 6:00 on a Monday morning, give me a call!  I'll be looking for something to keep me awake on the train.

Yours Truly,



  1. I mean it. Monday mornings. I'll tell you what I ate for breakfast and you give me the rundown on your fellow morning commuters.

  2. I guess we've all been welcomed to the busy adult life. I got to sleep in today and I feel like I committed a mortal sin and have an immense urge to sell someone something.
