I'm an artist at life.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Just me and the cats.

Oh hey, blog. It's been a while. Like, more than two months of a while. I've been busy, you know, working at a job I hate during the week in order to afford doing cool stuff on the weekends. Did you hear? I went to both Boston and Vermont this summer! Go me for increasing my airplane fuel consumption by 600% over 2011! And it's only September!

Oh right, but then I quit my job. Remember how I said I hated it? Yeah. I just left. I kinda hate that, because I'm not the type of person to leave without giving notice. But I had been thinking about quitting for a while, and just kept telling myself that it was irresponsible and I needed to hang on til I found another job. Then two weeks in a row I came home crying to Thomas because I was miserable, and one fateful Thursday morning the thought of returning the following Monday just filled me with dread. So I was like..."peace!" No really it was awkward and uncomfortable and I felt really awful about it, but what's done is done. I am 100% certified unemployed.

So, here I am, blog! For the past week, my days have more or less looked like: wake up at 7 or 8, spend most of the morning applying for jobs, make lunch, possibly run an errand or two, read, hang out with Thomas, possibly exercise, meditate, watch How I Met Your Mother, bed by 10 or 11. Not gonna lie, it's pretty awesome. I wouldn't mind having a sugar daddy.

In reality, though, the reason I was able to convince myself that this move was not all-together irrational, is that I'm devoting myself to the job hunt. Not just spending my lunch breaks e-blasting my resume across the Chicagoland area, but crafting tailored and gripping cover letters for those few places I really would love to work. My mom also calls a lot and asks me to come home and watch the dogs or visit Grandma since, you know, I'm not doing anything else.

In the meantime, I've accepted that it's only fair to take on the majority of the house work. I've also scavenged for free yoga classes and just got an email that I have a book in at the library. Free stuff! Maybe I'll sell some things on Etsy or start a professional blog for extra cash. Unfortunately that involves buying yarn and/or a domain. Whatevs.

It's been real, blog! Til we meet again, which, let's be honest, I hope is later rather than sooner.